DOL is in Lodi Today

Last Updated 2/15/2024

Please be aware that the Department of Labor is currently in Lodi doing surprise inspections.  They are looking for tools like pruning shears and whether employers are providing those free of charge to employees.  They are also looking at transportation and for van or SUVs carrying workers to the jobsite.  Contact us today if you need help during an inspection or if you need our quick guide on what to do when the government shows up. 


Erica Rosasco is providing a field access training webinar to teach you what to do when the government shows up on March 12.  Click California Farm Labor Contractor Association - When DOL Comes Knocking - Field Access Training ( to register for the class which is presented by California Farm Labor Contractor’s Association.  Be prepared before the government shows up!  Rosasco Law Group, APC is here to help. 

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